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Visit our luxury indoor showroom in Chelmsford, Essex. To see the full Covana range

Aqua Warehouse

Unit 1-9 Rignals Lane

Chelmsford, Essex


Opening Hours
Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm
Sat 10am - 4pm
Sun 10am - 4pm​

Contact Details

01245 477 400


Browse the Covana range

Covana hot tub cover logo

What if you could access your hot tub with the simple turn of a key without ever again having to struggle with opening a cover or removing snow, ice or other debris?


With Covana, you can equip your spa with one of the highest insulation hot tub covers on the market and then transform it into one of the most easily accessible … all within a mere 20 seconds and little effort!


Covana systems are more than just hot tub covers. They are also completely automated gazebos which offer you maximum comfort, safety and intimacy. Made in Canada using the latest, state-of-the-art materials, our products are designed to endure the most rigorous climates while saving you money on unnecessary water, heating bills and maintenance products.


Vita Spa lady by hot tub

0 Payments for the first 12 Months!

No better time to buy a hot tub!

Payments after the first year are a 4 year period at 12.9% APR

Buy Now, Pay Later

How the product works:

  • No payments due for a 12 month period at the start of the agreement

  • No interest to be paid if the agreement is settled before the end of the holiday period (except a £29 admin fee)

  • Equal monthly repayments for duration of the agreement after holiday period (including interest calculated at inception of agreement)

  • Interest rate is fixed @ 12.9% APR over 4 years

  • Available on purchases between £500 and £25,000

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